DeepAR Studio preview does not work properly on IOS devices

When trying to preview the Shoes Try On effect created in DeepAR Studio on a mobile device, it works fine on an android device, but on an IOS device, the Switch Camera button does not work and the 3D model of the try on does not display textures correctly.

Hi, can you tell us more about what example is running, in which browser and what your device /OS version are?

You can check out our ShopAR demo Online shoe shopping that feels like the real thing - ShopAR to see if this behaviour still exists.

This happened when I issued a preview URL to Virtual Try On a 3D model of a shoe I made myself in Deep AR Studio.
The device used is an iPhone14 Pro Max, iOS 17.1.1.

I tried the following browsers, but none of them could switch from in-camera to rear camera.
・Google Chrome

Can you please check if it also happens on the shopAR demo? It would help us narrow down the issue.

shopAR demo worked fine.

Hi, I checked what might be causing the issue. It appears that our viewer doesn’t use the latest SDK, we will update that when we can, btu it should perform okay if you run the effect on the latest version in your app.

As for the textures, if it was only on iOS that should resolve it. If the issue is in your studio setup however I’m a afraid we have stopped supporting individual issues with shoe setup when we realeased shopAR. since this product is intended to take the load of fine tuning effects and CMS integration away from the users.

You can contact the ShopAR via the page linked above.


Regarding the issue of the iOS camera toggle button not working in the DeepAR Studio preview, do we have to wait for an update to DeepAR Studio?
Is there anything else we can try?

Also, when I loaded the effect into a demo project (GitHub - DeepARSDK/shoetryon-web-js: Shoe try-on example app with DeepAR Web SDK) and started a local server to Shoes Try On, the texture became transparent. I don’t know the cause of this problem, because when I previewed the effect in Deep AR Studio on my Android device, I was able to try on the shoes without any problem.
Could you please look into this as well?

The iOS issues seem to have been caused by the 17.1 upgrade, we are working to fix them asap.

Could you send me the DeepAR project and a screenshot of which texture becomes transparent. That shouldn’t be platform specific, but it would help to have as reference if it’s a bug.