What's the minimum version of Chrome that 5.4.4 will work on?

The doc says 66+ but I’m testing with 67 and it does not work. There’s an “unexpected token” error in deepar.js

In the minified js, it appears to have a problem near " t||={}"

lC(this,gN,((e,t)=>{for(var n in t||={})nC.call(t,n)&&iC(e,n,t[n]);if(tC)for(var n of tC(t))rC.call(t,n)&&iC(strong text

Hi, we will test this out, are you testing with the web quickstart project found here?

Hi Jelena. No, I’m not using the quick start project. I’m integrating 5.4.4 into my own project.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Can you please let us know if this issue is also present with the quickstart project? You may just need to adjust your implementation to be closer to ours it is not, and it will be easier for us to reproduce and fix otherwise

Hi, In the quick start project. I upgraded the deepar version to 5.6.2. Now the import deepar is throwing error.
Here is what I did
import * as deepar from ‘deepar’;

Error I get:
Uncaught TypeError: Object.defineProperty called on non-object


Please provide the solution.
Also some deppar files are not working in 5.0.0, hence I wanted to upgrade to latest version

Can you share your project or part of your code showing the usage of the DeepAR SDK? Could you also share the .deepar files that are not working?

This issue I was getting if I am using the latest version of deepar. That is - v5.6.2

This error I am getting only by importing deepar like this →

import * as deepar from ‘deepar’;

I didnt even try to load the deepar file.

Can you try cloning the repo again and doing a clean install?