Creating glasses for virtual try-on

hello, I’m totally new here, I’ve discovered the DeepAR SDK 2 days before, it is amazing to have such a service, I’ve just done of testing the free available effects in my Flutter project, it works very well! now I need to learn how to create a sunglasses effect using the DeepAR Studio, I’ve tried to do something, but kindly don’t understand what I’m doing, I really need to learn that, I’m working on my graduation project and no time remaining, I need to create at least 3 effects of glasses, the virtual try-on is one of the essential requirements of my project. can you provide us with a simple tutorial for that as soon as possible please, I would be grateful and thank you for your effort

There is a glasses template in the studio already you can look at for reference. The main thing is you will need 3D model of the glasess, and then you can position on and scale them as in the template

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yep, the template is great, unfortunately, I don’t know how to create 3d models, so I’m trying to use free 3d models available on internet, but non of them appear properly on Deep AR Studio, I’m sure there is something I missed, maybe I have to learn more about 3d models

Could you send us a link of a model you’re trying to add and we’ll make a quick video to show you how to integrate it.

You can find our technical guidelines here and check the limitations for the number of polygons and such


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you are so KIND, this would be so helpful, actually, one model worked with me, not the best, but it’s pretty good, here is a link where you can find a 3D model with .fbx file format. Most of the models I find comes with more files other than the files for the texture, so I’m not really sure what to do with it. And thank you, I will check the link you’ve attached

Hi this one seems like it would work with a Standard shader, would you mind sharing some you were having issues setting up?