Localhost Domain name problem

I am running my web in local host, while i am running i did not get something like https or http. i did try to use "www. " to act as my domian name but failed from this .How i gonna to solve this problem? thanks


Could you give more context? Are you trying to run the web quickstart?

Ya i try to implement the shoe try-on sdk on the local without publish the website yet, so i dont get the https or domain name, may i know i still available to implement the shoe try-on sdk in web?

One of the problems might be due to the SDK not supporting foot tracking anymore. As we informed our users going forward from v5.6.4 has wrist and foot tracking deprecated and users should use the ShopAR platform for that. You can still use previous versions <v5.6.3 which still have foot tracking included.
If you are interested in ShopAR you can contact Missy (missy@deepar.ai), our sales rep - she will help you onboard to our amazing platform.