Has Flutter support been dropped?

Hello - It seems as if the DeepAR repo for flutter has been removed from Github. Is flutter no longer supported by DeepAR? If so what should our migration path be? Thanks for any info you can share.


DeepAR Flutter plugin is an open-source projects developed and maintained by the DeepAR community. DeepAR does not actively maintain nor provide customer support for it. All inquiries should go through community channels like the GitHub issue reporting system. Our support covers only native mobile (iOS and Android), Web, and MacOS, and future development will focus on those platforms.

Hey there!

You seem to have linked to a React Native plugin.
Do you know of a similar Flutter plugin? :slight_smile:


oops :slight_smile:

That is the same one I referenced earlier - that you said was community supported and not official (despite it saying official in the description). The linked git repo is gone. So is this or is this not officially maintained by deep ar?

It’s not. It was briefly officially supported but we had to drop support since we are focusing on native SDKs