java.lang.IllegalStateException: DeepAR not yet initialized! Can't call this method before the DeepAR is initialized

Hi , i was encountering this error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: DeepAR not yet initialized! Can’t call this method before the DeepAR is initialized.

i have initialised my deep Ar instance inside onviewCreated and the code looks like this
if (context!=null){
deepAr = DeepAR(requireContext())
deepAr?.initialize(requireContext(), this)

then i am having a log statement inside initialised callback of ArEventlistener callback , but the log never prints
i have added code inside manifest

            android:required="false" />
            android:required="false" />

i have added required code inside my build gradle. can anyone help me with this issue ?

I am facing the same issue? @jelena request your help here please.

Hey DeepAR community, hoping to find a solution here


Could you try reproducing it on our Android quickstart example?