I need to embed the DeepAR effects in my existing application using ARKit

I need to embed the DeepAR effects in my existing application using ARKit.

Hi, DeepAR uses it’s own tracking and rendering technology so you do not nee ARKit per se. Can you elaborate please a bit more on your use case and why do you need ARKit?

The application has been using some other features from ARKit like smile detection using blend shapes, and if I can pass those ARFrames or CVPixelBuffer from ARKit to DeepAR for having beauty filters applied. That will be great. I have added a small POC for reference. If you can have a look at it and let me know the issue.

We have an example in obj c how to do offscreen processing where we pass non camera frames to DeepAR (in this case frames from a video) but it is an example where the frames are from another source which is exactly what you need. So yes that should be possible:

Also check the explanation in our docs about offscreen processing: